Alternatives to having your own photos for your Squarespace website

So you want to have a professional looking website but you don’t have the budget for a brand photoshoot? I still recommend getting a brand photoshoot done. It’s worth it. You can find a photographer in your area that can be a great fit. I invested in mine and it’s worth it to allow you to stand out.

Whether it’s time or money that is the issue, you still can achieve a professional website appearance with some judicious use of stock images, licensing a photographer’s work and some do-it-yourself iPhone photos with editing/filtering. A colleague taught me Canva, the graphic design software, and the effects available there are very effective.

  1. Stock photography: Yes, absolutely, many stock images are terrible. Canned poses, overly treated effects, and unrealistic scenarios look obviously stock. But if you dig deeper (I used Adobe stock combined with the free service Unsplash) you can find more realistic looking stock images. Trust me, it’s not easy but try to filter your search by models or photographers you are drawn to. Use your gut in selecting them. You can typically buy a pack of a certain quantity of images instead of signing up for a year's subscription.

  2. Licensing a photographer’s existing work: This is a viable option that allows a photographer to generate a sale without having to produce new work. This can save you money and get your high-quality photography that is more unique. I did an ocean theme on my first website by licensing photos from a photographer I know named Willy Branlund. I loved the cohesive look.

  3. Do it yourself: These days mobile phone photography can be amazing. I took an online course on how to take better photos on your iPhone and it sharpened my skills enough to be viable. Couple with editing tools, you can create output that is good enough if you put in the time to learn. But since you’ll probably be in the photos for your site, it’s a better option to find someone who can take the photos for you. Set aside the time and locations and do it.

But truly there is no substitute for a brand photo session. Showcase your unique brand by hiring a professional photographer who will take realistic photos of you in action, headshots, group shots, closeups at work. I have helped many clients create shot lists for their brand photoshoot that have yielded strong results that establish trust with their prospects.

Whatever you decide. Put a plan into action and get it done. Content is the foundation of a great website. You cannot fake quality.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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