Why I Switched to Squarespace 7.1

At the time I am writing this, there is no simple way to export your current Squarespace 7.0 site into a Squarespace 7.1 site. But here I ma with a new site in 7.1. I had to create a new site, but as a website designer I saw it as an opportunity to try out a new look and feel. After all, my brand has evolved and yours probably has too.

At first I resisted. I had learned Squarespace design on version 7.0 and had read about the versatility of the Brine family of templates. My favorite template is still Foster, but the more I started to delve into version 7.1, the more I began to embrace its features. Like anything new things take some time to adjust to. But once you figure out where all the controls are, it starts to feel intuitive, which is one of the best attributes of Squarespace as a whole.

At first, resistance

I distinctly remember meeting in Squarepace’s West Village office for our in-person (pre-pandemic) meeting of Circle Members to discuss the latest rollouts of version 7.1. One designer flat out said she hated it. I hadn’t tried it enough to form my opinion too, but at first I hated it too. It seemed limited.

But soon enough, I practiced. Did I mention a important lesson in life is just that things get easier the more you do something? Sounds simple but it’s a principle that I always have to remind myself when I’m starting anything new. I remember walking in my CrossFit gym and feeling completely lost. I just showed up to class and soon enough I learned the skills to become one of the more experienced members.

I didn’t take any tutorials to learn Squarespace 7.1 and just dove right in. The hardest thing was learning how to customize the fonts and colors. That’s a game changer to not use one of the presets that Squarespace suggests and go for a more custom look. That’s a Pro Tip #1. Change the fonts and colors to your own.

If you don’t know how, I suggest using the Google Chrome extensions What Font and Color Picker so you can gather the exact specs on any website page that you see while browsing in Chrome. You can gather inspiration from many sources. The brown and bright blue color scheme on this site was inspired by a fashion photo from the brand Carhartt WIP.

Why I now love Squarespace 7.1

Actually, I start off with my two main complaints about Squarespace 7.1: There isn’t a built-in parallax scrolling feature and there is no way to add a Gallery block on a regular page.

OK, I can deal with that to take advantage of the ability to change the design properties on individual sections on a page. For instance, if I use a dark background I can use a light text and micro-adjust the overlay gradient over a Banner Image. In 7.0, the Design settings that are set apply to every section uniformly throughout the site.

I also love that it’s easy to clone a page and quickly redesign a similar page with out much fuss. This is because the pages are built on stacked sections and aren’t Index pages used in 7.0. In other words, any page in 7.1 can be stacked sections, where as structurally in 7.0 on Index pages can be stacked.

7.1 is just easier to edit

Squarespace 7.1 is easier for non-website designers to use. And that is just a huge plus for everyone. Squarespace is intended to be a website builder that looks great and is easy to use. I’m looking forward to seeing the new developments in 7.1 and it’s getting better over time. If you haven’t checked on the new Members section capabilities (on 7.1 and 7.0), it’s pretty nice. It' allows you to set up Pages on your site thet only register member can access.

If you need help creating your new site on Squarespace 7.1, email me at Li@LittleOxWorkshop.com.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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