Three 2023 features in Squarespace I love: section dividers, favorite sections and easier background colors for text blocks

In what seems like a short amount of time, Squarespace is unrolling updates to its content management system at a steady pace. What are some of the new features, new and old, that are often overlooked but can be very useful.

Section dividers: Click edit on your Section and you will see a new feature called dividers. This allows you to give shape to the border between sections, whether you want some curvy lines, sharp edges or a straight diagonal line. This small design tweak gives your pages a visual interest that continually builds upon Squarespace 7.1’s versatility.

Benefits include:

  • A subtle addition of visual interest

  • An ability to add emphasis to a section subtly (such as highlighting what you are selling)

  • Create a sense of motion on a static section

Easier colored backgrounds for text blocks: This is a game changer when it comes to breaking up your text or creating a sidebar on a page. Click on your text block to edit it, click on the paint symbol and adjust your padding settings.

Benefits include:

  • You can present a visual hierarchy of information.

  • You can break up large chunks of text.

  • It makes it easy to create a pricing or features chart.

Favorite sections: This a feature that makes so much sense as one of the key differences between Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1 is that 7.1 did not have sections within a page (formerly index pages) that can be easily duplicated. Not simply open up the editor for your section, click on the heart icon and you can add that section’s styling anywhere on the site.

Benefits include:

  • Saved sections provide visual continuity throughout your site.

  • You can save sections that you delete and may come back to later or use for a different part of the site.

  • You can recreate similar pages for a multifaceted aspect of your site, such as details on various services you offer.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

Squarespace website design features that I feel need improvement or are needed


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