Why I don’t use Squarespace’s templates

One question I always get from clients: Do I use a template? Back when Squarespace was on version 7.0 (versus 7.1) choosing a template mattered because certain templates had different features than others. It became known in the Squarespace design community that the Brine family of templates was the most universally adaptable.

Version 7.1 of Squarespace does offer predesigned sections that Squarespace offers as templates, but it’s important to know that the feature set is the same across the board. I feel like that’s a great move and less confusing to end users.

Starting with a Blank Template

Perhaps I do have templates in my head, preconceived notions on how a homepage or about page should look like. If you’ve been designing websites for decent amount of time, you experience generally what works and what doesn’t. So I start with the option of a Blank Template because every site has its own properties and goals. Simplicity is key as any website. Sections that don’t support the end goal (as in drives sales or newsletter sign ups) can be encouraged when you use Squarespace’s predesigned templates. You feel like you need to fill a space in a template that may not necessarily support what’s needed for the site.

How to get started with a Blank Template

I start with creating four pages: home, about, services (or work) and contact. The home page begins with three sections, a main image, and explanation of the site followed by a third section pushing users to visit another part of the site.

The about page starts with an image and text block. The services page can start with three text blocks describing services or past projects, and the contact page can be a text block with contact details with a contact form next to it. The formula is to simply get started with a basic foundation and build layers on top the base.

Elements may change, but as least you can see the structure of the site taking shape.

Gain inspiration from sites you like

Do other sites start with a large banner image? Is there a collage effect with overlapping images? How do other present their services page?

At the end of the day, there common threads in how websites are designed to convert. Look at the customer journey effective websites present. Squarespace offers many restyled designs for sections. These are very good and can be customized to your liking. Don’t reinvent the wheel, but don’t get too caught in an existing design that is the Squarespace template.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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