On morning routines as a Squarespace designer: The energy you give is important

As I get older the more I realize that how you present yourself to the world and to yourself is so crucial to overall success. Yes, this notion conjures up the old “Saturday Nigh Live” skit about self-affirmations, but to me no amount of looking into the mirror and saying positive things will work if you don’t put in the work to develop the actual characteristics you can be proud of.

I had a call with a prospective new client yesterday and immediately we hit it off. I had been reminded to really ask good questions to have a good conversation.

Morning routines are important, but don’t make them too long and make them a form of procrastination

Carey Nieuwhof, wrote a book called “At Your Best.” The simplified take on it is: Get up and start working on the the most important needle movers of the day while your brain and body are fresh. He goes into how this can help change your life if you feel overworked. But having generally adhered to this simple wisdom has helped me feel more in control.

As a Squarespace website designer I have to consider that every project is different. Sometimes websites will be very detailed and clinical, like a financial services business I just worked with. Other times it will be a more playful site where the visuals and bold headlines convey the tone, such as with a sonic healer site I designed.

It’s taking me some time to develop a good wake-up and go routine. In my world, I take the kids to and from school. It helps me to move my day up with an earlier start. That way, when the kids get back from school I can give them the attention they require at 12 and 8. I try to wake up naturally at 5 a.m. and do some work and get some movement or stretching in.

I make my kids’ lunches and get them ready for school.

But getting to the most important work of the day first is basically the key.

Sharpening the Saw

In the book “7 Habits of Highly Successful People” author Stephen Covey writes about the importance of sharpening the saw before cutting down the tree. He encourages us to keep sharp in our professional endeavors by training the mind to become better and better at a particular skillset.

Go ahead and invest in that online course you’ve been meaning to take. Continuing education is key.

So make sure you attack each day with energy. Do what's necessary to remain energetic. It takes a consistent concerted effort, and the longer you can sustain it, the easier it becomes.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


Living the designer mentality


What features Squarespace doesn’t have that I wish it did