What features Squarespace doesn’t have that I wish it did

I was on Squarespace Circle Member call yesterday, a Google Meet with some of the top Squarespace designers in the world and Squarespace HQ. I can’t say enough about the innovation team at Squarespace. I don’t offer enough gratitude for what they’ve done over the years to help bring more features to end users. That said I still have a Wish List of features that I would love to see based on my experiences building sites for clients across a range of industries.

Here’s my list:

  • We need to have the ability to upload a file such as a resume to a form. (I believe this is being worked on.)

  • Can we get a blog type of structure (with tags and categories) that can be reordered in way that’s not dependent on chronology?

  • We need to be able to accept different types of payment besides Stripe and PayPal and they’re working on it!

  • We need better mobile logic with the Fluid Engine editor. I end spending a lot of time readjusting in mobile.

  • We need a way to add an outline to create boxes around text and photo blocks.

What are some of your wishes for Squarepace?

Even with my short list of desires, I still have to stop and appreciate how far the platform has come. In a few short years we’ve seen 7.1 become a very robust site builder that has very few deficiencies. Look at how adjustable colors and fonts are! The custom color editor is a dream.

The new Dividers add so much dimension. Word highlight tools! Really we have all we need with Squarespace to design incredible websites that look super pro. A lot of DIYers are lagging in trying to go beyond the templates provided. I take over so many client sites that have template elements left in there.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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